Hook Your Readers with Captivating News Stories

A news article, just like any content, should hook your reader within the first few seconds for them to keep reading. The start is the only way to grab the editor to give your piece the attention you want. Remember that your piece competes with internet browsing, TV, meetings, admin tasks, and more. The journalistic principles for excellent news articles are crucial even to content marketers providing a better approach to the target audience. Such tips are no secret but need teaching. Read on. Begin With a Quote A quote at the beginning of a news story should be able to entice, surprise or offer suspense to the reader as a way to keep their eyes fixated. However, be cautious not to overuse the approach as an editor is likely to point out the one style for your stories, thus asking for a difference. But how can you get a magical quote? The more you practice holding interviews, the more exposed you will be to your sources that will lead you to create capturing quotes. Preferably, write a...