The most popular providers of news platforms

I am very excited to bring to you a new and broad venture which I have been yearning to get into since a long time ago. This new blog will be about news all over the world. When you visit the internet, I bet there is something you are always looking for. I want to help you to get to your search more easily with some of the trending topics. Did you know what google makes from the news industry alone? Last year, it made $4.7 Billion. Around 33% of the internet's traffic is searching for news online, and as such, you can tell where all this revenue comes from. Whatever you can think about, you can most definitely make a google search for it. If you got some rumors about some incidences occurring somewhere in the world, you can always get online and find out what it is really. There are several platforms where you may receive your world news at the comfort of your house and device wherever you are. Let's talk about the most common providers of news. The most popular ones ar...